The "Extended" add-on extends some existing functionality and unlocks new features. It's sort of a light "Business" add-on for those who don't need all the features of that plan.
This is not a subscription product, but available via a one-time payment.
This is not a subscription product, but available via a one-time payment.
Sell multiple products
Enables you to sell more than one product when using the "Payment" feature within the form settings.
No backlink
When subscribed to the add-on, no backlink will be shown in any of your forms across all your workspaces.
No report badge
When subscribed to the add-on, no "report form" link will be shown in any of your forms across all your workspaces.
No 2-minute limit
Disables the 2-minute submission limit for newly created forms.
Send emails from custom domain
Enables you to send emails from your own SMTP service with your own email address.