1. Overview
  2. FAQ
  3. How to embed a form into my website?

How to embed a form into my website?

You can embed our form into your website in two ways.

Using our default embed code

By using our default embed code, you simply add one line of code into your HTML. You can copy the embed code right from the forms list.

The embed code looks something like this:

<div class="deftform" data-form-id="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" data-form-width="100%" data-form-align="center" data-form-auto-height="1"></div><script src="https://cdn.deftform.com/embed.js"></script>

There are several options available:

Can be either in percent or pixel unit. So something like 50% or 500px will work. By default, it is 100%.

Essentially the same as the width, only for the height. You should omit this is you want the form to automatically set the height.

Determines if the form height should be set automatically. This will also work if elements are added, either via the conditional logic, or when error messages are visible, making the form longer.

This will align the form inside your container. Available options are left, center and right.

Manually embedding via iframe

Another option is to embed the form manually via iframe. The code should look something like this:

<iframe src="URL-TO-YOUR-FORM" style="border:none;width:100%;height:500px;"></iframe>
When manually embedding via iframe, a fixed height must be set and none of the mentioned options (e.g. data-form-align) will be available.

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