Google Sheets

With our direct Google Sheets integration, form submissions can be added to a Google spreadsheet.

Connect with your Google account

Within the workspace connect settings, you must first connect with your existing Google account. This happens via a secure OAuth connection. After connecting your account, you can enable this integration on a per-form basis.

Creating a spreadsheet

When connecting a form to Google Sheets, a new spreadsheet is automatically created on your behalf. As title, the name of your form is used, you can change this in your Google Sheets account at any time.

Do not change the sheet name "Sheet1", as this will break the sync process. In a future update, we may provide an option to change the sheet name.

You can enable or disable this integration. Any new submission to the form will by added to the spreadsheet. If you disable sync, new submissions won't be added automatically. Please note that submissions are being queued, so it may take up to 1 minute for them to appear in your spreadsheet.

You can optionally push all existing submissions to the spreadsheet, this includes submissions that were already added to the sheet. It is advised to clear the sheet before running this function in order to avoid duplicate entries.

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